The Whys to Shop at BILLIONMORE : * 100% Authentic * Buy Amulets with Spell to Activate the Power in English Text & MP3 * Buddha Statue Complete with Export Permit * Encasing Service * Some Proceeds for Charity
Worshipping Brahma: The Four-Faced Brahma Worshiping Brahma can be done daily according to the devotee's convenience. However, there is a traditional belief that it is not appropriate to worship Brahma on holy days, as he is said to be engaged in meditative practices and will not hear the prayers of the worshippers.
"Thank you for the excellent service.
Appreciate if you can provide with katha and instruction to worship so it can become efficacious."
lawrenceteoh Maldives
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SERM06 : SERM DUANG : Sangkhathan Offering Set Medicine and Buddha for Thursday Birthday (Thai Offering )
Don’t miss if you want to get healthy and good fortune by offering SangKhaThan
**This SangKaThan already includes some money donation offered to temple.
Name: set of medicines with birthday Buddha amulet (For who born on Thursday)
Origin: Thailand
Detail: in the set of medicines consist of
1. Para Frx 10 tables
2. Electrolyte Beverage 1 pack
3. Mist Stomachic 1 bottle
4. Hydrogen Peroxide 1 bottle
5. Acriflavin 1 bottle
6. Cotton Wool 1 pack
7. Plaster 2 pieces
Moreover, there is the birthday Buddha amulet that we will offer following your birthday. Besides, there is money to offer for monk too that we will put in the envelope.
Consequence of merit: people believe when you offer SangKhaThan by medicine and birthday Buddha amulet, you will get goodness, good fortune, progress and healthy. Moreover, make merit will help you to change bad thing to be good thing too.
Feature: We will write your name on envelope that there is money inside to offer to monk too.
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