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PDMAD5694 : Sacred Small Bird-headed Kris Amulet (magical wavy dagger) (LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province)
with Katha: LPPhrom_WatBanSuan
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size 1.5 x 10 cm/ Option: A
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal17.33 USD  


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100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Small Bird-headed Kris Amulet (magical wavy dagger)

From: LP Phrom Khantigo, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

Origin: Thailand

Benefits: This style of knife is found in Southern part of Thailand and some countries in Southeast Asia such as Malaysia and Indonesia. This knife is blessed with sacred mantra that will make you safe from danger, ghosts and bad powers.

**How to worship: Carry along when going anywhere for safety and auspiciousness.

Size: 1.5 x 10 cm

Material: Sacred Forged Alloy

Feature: The handle is made into a bird head.

Year Issued:2557 BE (2014 CE)

Purposes of Creation: proceeds for developing and restoring Wat Ban Suan

Consecration: This knife amulet was fully blessed by LP Phrom on the auspicious date and time.

About the Guru Monk:
LP Phrom Khantigo (Phrakhru Khan Taya Phon) of Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province. He is a well- known guru monk in the south of Thailand. He studied the magic from Samnak Khao Or (the school of magic).
LP Phrom teaches people dharma and there are many disciples. He is an abbot of Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province. LP Phrom was born on Monday the 10th March 1942 CE in Phathalung Province. When he was 20 years old, he went in monkhood at Wat Ban Suan that had Phrakhru Phiphat Siri Thon or LP Khong Sirimto was a preceptor. After that, LP Phrom went to Bangkok to study Buddha’s teaching at Wat Trai Mit. Then LP Phrom became an abbot of Wat Bansuan from the former abbot, LP Khong.
LP Phrom has developed, built the public properties for people and given the scholarship to poor students and poor novices.

This content is copyright and duplication is not permitted. When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

Note: The real amulet may be different from the picture. It is in a good condition from temple.

Special Service: We are glad to provide our Luang Pu customers Katha for the amulets in text and MP3 and how to worship.

Amulets by LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

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product detail / customize add to cart $22.99
Protection from Curses & Evil Things: Small Bird-headed Kris Amulet (magical wavy dagger)
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $22.99
Protection from Curses & Evil Things: Small Bird-headed Kris Amulet (magical wavy dagger)
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $20.99
Good Luck & Wealth: 50 Ya Jindamanee (Herbal Medicine Ball)s (Sacred Herbal Powder)
with Katha Ya-Jindamanee.mp3, LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $11.99
Good Luck & Wealth: 10 Ya Jindamanee (Herbal Medicine Ball)s (Sacred Herbal Powder) in Waterproof Casing
with Katha Ya-Jindamanee.mp3

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $20.99
Takrut Phaya Mangkorn Nakaraj (dragon Takrut) with Gold plated case
LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Tapu Sangkawanon Holy Buddhist Chapel Nail in Tube Casing
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.29
Protection from Harm & Bad Things: Yant Na Cameo Magic Ring
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $14.27
Holy B.E.2552 Double-Sided White Herb LP Thuad Amulet with Lek Lai- Memorial of Celebrating Pagoda' batch
with Katha Buddha_LPThuad

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $13.25
Protection from Ghost SPIRIT POWERs, Harm & Black Magic: Mitmor Shaman Knife, Tiger Handle, Southern Style
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $18.35
Protection, Safety: Pha Yant Thammaraj (Yant of AJ Chum) Cloth
with Katha YantThammaraj

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

Total 181 Record : 19 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ 11 ][ 12 ][ 13 ][ 14 ][ 15 ][ 16 ][ 17 ][ 18 ][ 19 ] Next>>

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