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PDMAD2407 : Rare Collection B.E.2527 Phra Khong Khwan Fifth Batch (Buddha for Wealth) (Wat Pak Nam, Bangkok)
with Katha: Buddha_LPSodh
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size width 1.2 x height 2 cm
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Subtotal30.59 USD  


The best Buddha amulet from great mass with great power

100% Authentic from temple

Name: Phra Khong Khwan Fifth Name: (Buddha for Wealth)

Name: Fifth (5th)

From: Wat Pak Nam, Bangkok

Year Issued:BE2527 (CE1984)

Origin: Thailand

Material:this powerful Buddha amulet created from powder of Phra Khong Kwan since first batch to fourth batch.

Purposes of Creation: This amulet require donation from this amulet for building marble Tripitaka at Phutthamonthon Place

Consecration: there were top monks around Thailand joined to bless this powerful buddh amulet inside Buddhist church of Wat Pak Nam on auspicious day.

Benefits: Phra Khong Khwan amulet of Wat Pak Nam is very well known in Thailand because this powerful Buddha amulet can bring wealth, prosperity, progression, good business and fortune to worshiper.

The Biography of LP Sodh:
The day after his ordination, Candasaro Bhikkhu began meditation practice and study of Pali scriptures. In search of deeper and wider knowledge, he moved from Wat Songpeenong to Wat Bodhi (Wat Phra Chetupon Vimonmangkalaram) in Bangkok. There, he frequented the centers of meditation practice and Pali study.
Soon, Luang Por was recognized by his teachers, Phra Kru Nanavirati (Po) of Wat Bodhi and Phra Ajahn Singha of Wat Lakorn Tham, as an accomplished meditation instructor.
During those early dry seasons, Luang Por adopted thudonga vatra, the custom of wandering in solitude through the forest wilderness, staying in caves and practising the Dhamma with piety.
After ten years, Luang Por set aside his informal study of Pali Scriptures, having reached sufficiency to read the Maha Satipatthana Sutta. Thereafter he devoted himself totally to meditation practice.
Luang Por spent the next Buddhist Lent at Wat Bang Khoo Vieng, on Bangkok Noy Canal, where his benefactor, Phra Ajahn Choom, was the abbot. There, at nightfall on the full-moon day of September, in his twelfth year as a Bhikkhu, Luang Por prepared himself for meditation in the uposathaggam.. He invoked illumination and guidance, and made a vow dedicating his life to Buddhism. Luang Por vowed not to rise from his seat in front of the Buddha statue until he was permitted to attain some understanding of the Dhamma as discerned by the Buddha.
With his mind set and its components of vision, memory, thought and cognition all at rest at the center of his body, two finger-breadths above the navel, Luang Por was able to penetrate the full depth of the Dhamma as it was revealed to and by the Buddha. That revelation of the Dhamma and ever more refined Dhammakayas (Dhamma bodies) was so profound that it was only possible when the mind was at rest at the body's center. After Lent, Luang Por went to teach at Wat Bang Pla, where three monks and four laymen who followed his meditation procedure were also able to attain various degrees of insight. Thereafter, Luang Por gradually became renowned throughout the land.
Somdej Phra Vanarat, Head of Bhasicharoen Sangha District, spotted Luang Por 's potential and requested him to assume the Abbotship of Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen. This was a neglected and deteriorating monastery erected five centuries earlier. Luang Por wanted to decline this request, but he could not. With utmost patience and remarkable leadership, Luang Por gradually rebuilt the monastery until it is today one of the largest and most important monasteries in the land. In 1949, Luang Por received the ecclesiastical rank of Phra Bhavan-Kosolthera. This was followed by the title of Phra Mongkol-Rajmuni, and in 1957 by the title Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni.
Vijja Dhammakaya, the revelation of the Dhamma as attained by Luang Por , was the heart of his teaching. His service to Buddhism can be seen from his regular routine:
Meditating day and night with bhikkhus and upasikas in different sessions
Leading bhikkhus and samaneras in the uposathaggam. Every morning and evening, paying homage to the Triple Gems and ending with a sermon.
Teaching public meditation practice every Thursday at 2:00 p.m.
Delivering public sermons on holy days (Uposatha or Wan Phra ) and Sundays
Supervising the Pali Institute
Thus, Luang Por devoted his time and effort almost exclusively to teaching meditation. His disciples multiplied into the thousands. It was not uncommon for revered bhikkhus in far corners of the country, who apparently never met Luang Por , to know him well and to respect him as their mentor.
His decease at the age of seventy-five, on February 3, 1959 was just a pause for the immortal master. His life should serve to remind other mortals to pursue their own obligations to the Noble Path carefully. Luang Por 's teachings live on, manifesting the Ultimate Righteous Truth.
Written by: Phra Bhavana-Kosol Thera (Veera Genuttamo)
History of Wat Luang Por Sodh Dhammakayaram
Phra Rajyanviith has led Wat Luang Por Sodh to become a center of excellence in both meditation practice and academic studies. The temple trains over 20,000 participants annually in meditation, Dhamma, Pali and related areas. The Sangha Body has designated the Wat as both a Provincial School of Pali Edcation and a Buddhist Meditation Institute. In collaboration with the National Buddhist Office, the temple has trained over1,000 senior Thai monks to be Vipassana Meditation Teachers. The Wat is also an Academic Services Center of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (training monks) and Associated Institution of the World Buddhist University (teaching meditation in English).
The Wat is also rapidly becoming an extraordinary pilgrimage centre for revering Buddha relics. There are crystal replicas of all seven relics which escaped cremation, materialized by senior celestial beings and 115 pearl-sized pieces of Lord Buddha’s breast bone, about 20 very refined hairs of Lord Buddha and many long black hairs of Prince Siddhttha. The Wat is constructing a cetiya to display the relics and offering sacred Buddha statues as “Thank you” gifts for large donations.

The Biography of Somdej Phra MahaRatChaMangkalaJarn:
Nowadays, Somdej Phra MahaRatChaMangkalaJarn is an abbot of Wat Pak Nam, Bangkok. Somdej was born on 26 August BE2468. Somdej was a novice at 7 years old and leave the Buddhist monkhood. After that Somdej had novice again at 14 years on 1 May BE2482. Somdej had intended to studied dharma knowledge and tested being a religious student. At that time, Somdej heard well-known of LP Sod. Therefore, Somdej desired to learned dharma with LP Sod.
In BE2484, Somdej had moved at Wat Pak Nam by Phra Jam of Wat Sangkaraj.
Later, Somdej was ordained to be a monk on 11 May BE2488 at Wat Pak Nam, Bangkok.
After LP Sod was passed away, Somdej is an abbot of Wat Pak Nam instead LP Sod.
Somdej has a lot result of work such as help public, established LP Sod foundation, established education foundation. The reputation of Somdej is well known as helping social and Buddhist.

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