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"U remember Khun Paen from Lp Sakorn i bought the time i visited u ? I like it because hv a high power."
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PDMAD2024 : Bring Wealth, Good Business & Luck Phra Pidta Chao Sua(Closed Eyes Millionaire) (LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province) 掩面佛
with Katha: LPPhrom_WatBanSuan
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Subtotal5.09 USD  


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100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Phra Pidta Chao Sua(Closed Eyes Millionaire)

Image: This is a combination style of Phra Pidta (Closed Eyes Monk) and Phra ChaoSua. The amulet shape is the same as Phra ChaoSua, but the mask is Phra Pidta. Chao Suameans "millionaire".

From: LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

Origin: Thailand

Name: Phra Khong Khwan Kathin BE2565

Year Issued:BE2565 (CE2022)

Size: 2.4 x 3.5 cm

Material: This amulet consists of blessing powder, auspicious herbs and gemstones.

Purposes of Creation: created as the token of Kathina BE2565

Consecration: LP Phrom, the abbot blessed for a period of time.

Benefits: A chubby monk with his hands covering his eyes is well-known as “Phra Pidta”, an icon of wealth in Thai belief. Idea of making Phra Pidta derives from “Phra Kawampati” or “Phra Sangkajai” who was an enlightened disciple of Buddha. With image that looked very much like Buddha, Phra Kawampati transformed himself to a chubby monk so that people will not misunderstand him as Buddha and that became signature of Phra Kawampati or Phra Sangkajai. Phra Pidta looks like Phra Sangkajai, but is in a different posture; putting his hands on his eyes that implies an attempt to obtain calmness of mind by stopping seeing. Phra Pidta is praised as god of wealth. Whoever worships Phra Pidta will be successful in wealth and business.

The Biography of LP Phrom:

LP Phrom KhantiKo or “Phrakhru Khan Taya Phon” of Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province. LP is the well kwon monk and expert in the magic and the topmost monks in southern of Thailand. LP studied the magic from Khao O Samnak Tak Sila (the school of magic).
LP Phrom conducts himself in the teachings of Buddha and there are many people admire him. Nowadays, LP Phrom is the abbot of Wat Ban Suan. LP Phrom was born on Monday 10 March 2483 BE (1940 CE) in Phathalung Province. When LP Phrom was 20 years old went into priesthood at Wat Ban Suan that had Phrakhru Phiphat Siri Thon or LP Khong Sirimto was the preceptor. After that LP Phrom went to Bangkok for studing the buddha’s teaching at Wat Trai Mit then LP Khong died from the reason LP Phrom was the abbot of Wat Bansuan. LP Phrom has developed and built the public benefits for the people and has given the scholar ship to the student and the novice who is poor.

LP Phrom is the well kwon monk that studied the magic from LP Khong Si Rim To the former abbot of Wat Bansaun who was studied the magic from Phrakhru Sit Tha Ya Pha Rat that studied the magic from Wat Khao Or . So LP Phrom studied the magic from Wat Khao Or .The amulets of LP Phrom have the many Buddha’s grace and the amulets of LP Phrom are required from the people such as Rian Run Chatu Ra Chan 1 in 2005 CE and 2 in 2006 CE and Phra Pit Ta that made from the holy herbs. There are the many disciples invite LP Phrom to bless the amulets although LP Phrom is the oldish.

Wat Khao Or has more than 120 year history of making good amulets. Most of the believer’s considered that the amulets carry protective powers. Also, many holy monks has been studied the art of making efficacious amulets and magic from this temple, as LP Tow, LP Ied, LP Num, LP Ngurn of Wat DaunSaLa, LP Kong of Wat BanSuan, LP Pah, LP Klan of Wat Khao Or and Ajarn Khun Pan (layman), etc.

When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

Amulets by LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

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Protection from Curses & Evil Things: Small Bird-headed Kris Amulet (magical wavy dagger)
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $22.99
Protection from Curses & Evil Things: Small Bird-headed Kris Amulet (magical wavy dagger)
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $20.99
Good Luck & Wealth: 50 Ya Jindamanee (Herbal Medicine Ball)s (Sacred Herbal Powder)
with Katha Ya-Jindamanee.mp3, LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $11.99
Good Luck & Wealth: 10 Ya Jindamanee (Herbal Medicine Ball)s (Sacred Herbal Powder) in Waterproof Casing
with Katha Ya-Jindamanee.mp3

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $20.99
Takrut Phaya Mangkorn Nakaraj (dragon Takrut) with Gold plated case
LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Tapu Sangkawanon Holy Buddhist Chapel Nail in Tube Casing
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.29
Protection from Harm & Bad Things: Yant Na Cameo Magic Ring
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $14.27
Holy B.E.2552 Double-Sided White Herb LP Thuad Amulet with Lek Lai- Memorial of Celebrating Pagoda' batch
with Katha Buddha_LPThuad

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $13.25
Protection from Ghost SPIRIT POWERs, Harm & Black Magic: Mitmor Shaman Knife, Tiger Handle, Southern Style
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $18.35
Protection, Safety: Pha Yant Thammaraj (Yant of AJ Chum) Cloth
with Katha YantThammaraj

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

Total 181 Record : 19 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ 11 ][ 12 ][ 13 ][ 14 ][ 15 ][ 16 ][ 17 ][ 18 ][ 19 ] Next>>

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