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"Many thanks for the info. Really usefull information.... :)"
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PDMAA6075 : Sacred Blacked Copper LP Sawai Medal by LP Sawai Hirisampanno (LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province)
with Katha: Amulets_Master.mp3
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(4 left in stock)
Size 2.3 x 3 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal5.63 USD  


100% Authentic from the Temple

**This is the previous collection by LP Sawai released in 2553 BE (2010 CE). LP Sawai calmly passed away on 3 November 2556 BE (2013 CE) at age 57 and 35th year of monkhood. His days, he did a lot of favors for Buddhism. So, many Buddhists have faith in LP Sawai.

Name: LP Sawai Medal

From: LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

Origin: Thailand

Material: copper

Size: 2.3 x 3 cm

**Benefits: LP Sawai was a good monk in Thai history, so he deserves worship. Holiness of his medal will protect you and fill your life good things.

Batch: Duang Maha Setthi

Year Issued:2553 BE (2010 CE)

Purposes of Creation: Proceeds from this will be used to develop and restore the temple.

Consecration: LP Sawai blessed this collection by himself.

About the Guru Monk:
LP Sawai of Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province was a well-known skilled guru monk who deeply understood Khmer magic. He was a good monk. His amulets are accepted. LP Sawai passed away on the 3rd November 2013 at age 57 and 35 years in monkhood.

This content is copyright and duplication is not permitted. When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

Note: The real one may be different from the picture because this picture is an example.

** We are welcome to provide our Luang Pu customers Katha in text and MP3 complete with instructions for the amulets.

Amulets by LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

Total 32 Record : 4 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ] Next>>

product detail / customize add to cart $119.99
Respect Worship Business Wealth 5.9-inch Nang Kwak Statue Blackened Metal No.75
with Katha NK_Master

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $5.63
Sacred Blacked Copper LP Sawai Medal by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha Amulets_Master.mp3

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $11.27
Sacred Blue BG LP Sawai Medal by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha Amulets_Master.mp3

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $11.27
Sacred Green BG LP Sawai Medal by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha Amulets_Master.mp3

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $11.27
Sacred Red BG LP Sawai Medal by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha Amulets_Master.mp3

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.23
Sacred Silver Takrut by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha TK_Master

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $36.69
Small Sacred 2.5-In Magic Kris Dagger with Hanuman Handle by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha Meed_Master

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $101.67
Large Sacred 5-In Magic Kris Dagger with Tao Wet Suwan Handle by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha Meed_Master

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.23
Sacred Alpaca Phra Pidta Amulet Containing a Metal Bead by LP Sawai Hirisampanno
with Katha PT_Master

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $9.39
Sacred Blacked Brass Hermit Ruesi Jivaka Komarabhacca amulet
with Katha LS_Jivaka.mp3

LP Sawai Hirisampanno, Wat PraSahtKowPaNomRung, Buriram Province

Total 32 Record : 4 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ] Next>>

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