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LUXUB1014 : Enormous Fortune & Love Look Sakot Nang Phim by LP Up Wat Thong Sai with Relic Bead Waxed Rope (Luxumulet Accessories)
with Katha: NangPhim_LPUp
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size bead 1 cm/ Look Sakot 1.8 x 1.2 cm/ adjustable wrist rope


Luxumulet Enormous Fortune & Love Look Sakot Nang Phim by LP Up Wat Thong Sai with Relic Bead Waxed Rope


- Hin Phra That (The Holy Relic Stone)
- Copper Look Sakot Nang Phim
- waxed rope
- metallic beads

Dear ones looking our Luxumulet page, we would like to tell that we have alternative materials for customers to customize as your preference.

See our links below to choose a material. Let us know your customization at [email protected] , or indicate at a special command when doing a transaction on website.

Changing to Metallic Beads:  
(Code MABM… = metallic beads)

Changing to Ropes:
(Code MARO… = ropes)

Changing to Stone Beads:
(Code MABS… = stone beads)


- Hin Phra That (The Holy Relic Stone) bead diameter 10 mm (1 cm)
- Look Sakot Nang Phim 1.8 x 1.2 cm


-  water flowing design waxed rope
-  adjustable wrist rope

**We can do at your measurement if you like by telling us at [email protected] informing your wrist size.**

How to Wear: Chant Katha for Nang Phim before you wear on your wrist and make a wish as your desire.  

Description:  We would like to introduce our lucky bracelet assembled with exclusive objects: Look Sakot Nang Phim by LP Up Wat Thong Sai and Hin Phra That (The Holy Relic Stone).

With this special bracelet, you can wear in everyday life with confidence and metal courage.
This bracelet can help gain mercy and kindness from people, fulfill love, do business well and attract financial fortune, get able to escape from danger and make your boss give you a lot of compassion. Moreover, Look Sakot Nang Phim will make you attractive towards beholders. 

Let's see each one of them.

Look Sakot Nang Phim by LP Up Wat Thong Sai

Name: Look Sakot Nang Phim (the first batch)

From: LP Up, Wat TongSai, Nakhon Pathom Province

Origin: Thailand

Year: B.E.2553 (C.E.2010)

Material: copper

Size: 1.8 cm x 1.2 cm

Purpose of Making: to earn donations for developing and restoring Wat TongSai.

Ceremony: LP Up strongly blessed by himself with magic and meditation on the auspicious date.

Power: Look Sakot Nang Pim is shape like a bead with bare lady in posture giving birth to a baby.

This amulet can help gain mercy and kindness from people, fulfill love, do business well and attract financial fortune, get able to escape from danger and
make your boss give you a lot of compassion. Moreover, Look Sakot Nang Phim will make you attractive towards beholders.  

Present: Belly of Nang Pim is stamped with code.    

Biography of LP Up:
LP Up or PhraAThiGan Gasem KemMaJaRo was born in 12 August B.E.2464. LP Up was ordained at the age of 20 years at Wat TungNoi. After LP had lived at Wat TongSai for 9 years. Next, LP had Tudong and lived at Wat WangChado for 2 years. Until B.E.2508 LP Up came back to Wat TongSai again.
LP was interested in studying magical knowledge since LP was a layman. LP had learned with LP Noi of Wat Thammasala and traveled to learned Thai herb knowledge with many famous guru monks. LP is very expertise about Thai herb medicine so much. The famous Visha of LP is "ChaeNamMon(holy water)". Every day, many people travel LP to wait for cure from any disease.  The famous amulet of LP Up is "Takrut GanNgoo" and "NangPim amulet".

LP Up passed away on 25 August 2012 while he 90 years old.

Hin Phra That (The Holy Relic Stone)

People believe Hin Phra That is a relic of deceased Arahant monk that it passed hundreds of year and became stone. People believe Hin Phra That can attract good things to owner and help to keep away misfortune and bad things.

Kao Sam Roi Yod is name of the mountain where is national park in Prachuabkirikhan Province, Thailand. There is a holy quiet place surrounded by nature. There are many caves in it such as Khao Phra (monk's mountain) Cave, Mangkorn (dragon) Cave, Khow (white) Cave, Manow (lime) Cave, Khumsarp (treasure trove) Cave, Sam See (3 colors) Cave, Mae Ya (grandma) Cave and Lersi (hermit) Cave.

Thai people believe that many hundreds of years ago, many Buddha disciples came to Kao Sam Roi Yod to do meditation. They stayed in the caves and did meditation until their minds were perfectly still and enlightened. These Buddha disciples left their bodies there when they died.

Year after year, their bodies decayed and turned to part of rock in the caves. This rock is relic. The longer year goes by, the more precious these relics are. After that, people found the relics and assumed they were relics of Buddha's disciples. They named these relics "Hin Phra That" and people began to worship.

Hin Phra That is regarded very holy by itself because it comes from hundreds of years and absorbs natural powers. Some worshipers found relics grew bigger by themselves.



**Our Product Line**

Luxumulet is a luxury and unique collection created to meet the needs of customers who have special needs for products that are unique and unique. It is a blend of various talismans such as Pha Yant (magic cloth), Takrut, Oil, Salika, etc. for customers to worship only for oneself, as a souvenir, a gift to friends or family for important events such as birthday parties, model parties, weddings, auspicious events, etc. All items were properly blessed by Luang Phor Weera, the abbot of Wat Homsil who is good at magic and Yant Writing.


**Note to Buyer: This is a sample picture. The real item may be different according to color, size, design and casing of amulet.  
- Color deviation: The picture is the actual picture of the sample. Colors may vary slightly due to the different color settings of each monitor and the shooting light.
- Size Deviation: All dimensions are measured by hand, there may be slight deviations.
- Design: The handmade amulet, each amulet may be different unlike using machine.
- Casing: The casing is craftsmanship from temple or master, which creates.

This content is copyright and duplication is not permitted.

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