PDMAD1071 : AJ O Promotion Prai Guman wax (Inside has Lukkrok made from 9 baby cinerariums) (AJ O, Phetchabun Province) with Katha: Amulet_LPO | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 100% Authentic from the Temple
Name: Prai Guman wax (Inside has Lukkrok made from 9 baby cinerariums)
From: AJ O, Wat SiSuPhon, Phetchabun Province
Origin: Thailand
Size: box 3 cm diameter
Benefits: Good for luck, money and charm
Material:Made from mystic beeswax stir with sasame oil and mixed with Prau Gumarn Power which inherited from LP Yen who is the adopted child of LP Tim Wat Raharnrai, the most famous Prai Gumarn maker.
How to used: No need to feed, just share good karma to Prai Kumarn. Use to touch the product to sell or person you like. Every time you touch the wax, there will be one Kumarn remain at the thing you touch.
**About the Guru Monk:
AJ O is a successful guru monk in making the “Gapruan Thong Riek Sup amulet” (small gold bell bringing money). LP O has been studying the art of making effective amulets from Wan Praidum (holy herb). Besides, LP O ever studied magic from his grandfather who was a disciple of Somdej Loon (the great Laotian monk).
In fact, amulets by LPO are different from other guru monks. LP O is a creative guru monk, so his amulets are various and unusual. Many years, LP O has built excitement for amulet circle with uncommon amulets which make Thai people and foreigners have wonderful results.
This content is copyright and duplication is not permitted. When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link: https://shorturl.at/dosz8
Special Service: We are glad to provide our Luang Pu customers Katha for the amulets in text and MP3 complete with the instructions.
| Amulets by AJ O, Phetchabun Province
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AJ O Promotion Good Luck: Silver Alpaca with Red Yants - Kamlai Korng Phiphop the lord of bangle, 2nd batch with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Power Bia Gae (Holy Shell) with Takrut with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck) with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck) with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck) with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck) with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck) with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck) with Katha Amulet_LPO
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Bring Luck: Guman Thong Ha Tee Maha Heng Boy in Oil Casing with Takrut with Katha GT_LPO_HaTeeMahaHeng
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |

AJ O Promotion Bring Luck: Guman Thong Ha Tee Maha Heng Clay Boy Amulet with Katha GT_LPO_HaTeeMahaHeng
AJ O, Phetchabun Province |
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