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"Thanks alot , I have recd the King Chulalongkorn amulet. Your service is really SUPERB!."
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PDMAC3307a : Wealth&Lucky: Phra Pidta Normo amulet (LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province)
with Katha: LPPhrom_WatBanSuan
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(3 left in stock)
Size 1.8 x 2.2 cm.
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal12.23 USD  


Good Time for worship!

100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Phra Pidta Normo amulet

From: LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

Origin: Thailand

Size: 1.8 x 2.2 cm.

Batch: LP Phrom 72 Years

Material:holy metal

Feature: on back side has Yant to increase power.

*Consecration: This amulet was blessed by LP Phrom and monks at Wat Ban Suan on auspicious date

Purposes of Creation: donation for developing and restoring Wat Ban Suan

About the Guru Monk:
Luang Por Phrom (monk name: Khantigo, monk rank: Phra Kru Khantayaporn) is a present abbot of Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province. He is also a well- known guru monk in the south of Thailand. He studied magic and mantras at Samnak Khao Or , Phatthalung Province (the oldest magic school in the South, now is Wat Khao Or ).LP Phrom is respectable and always teaches people dharma. People respect him very much.
LP Phrom was born on Monday the 10th March 1942 CE in Phathalung Province. At age 20, he got ordained as a Buddhist monk at Wat Ban Suan in his hometown. Then LP Phrom went to Bangkok to study subjects of monk at Wat Traimit . After that, LP Phrom became an abbot of Wat Bansuan after LP Khong, a former abbot. After taking a position, LP Phrom has developed Wat Ban Suan in many ways. He built the public properties for people and usually offers the scholarships to students and novices.
Today, LP Phrom is one of top guru monks of Thailand. When there is a blessing ceremony (Phuttha Phisek), LP Phrom is usually invited to join.

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Amulets by LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

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product detail / customize add to cart $27.27
Protect & Wealth Kite-shaped Phra Pidta with Black Gem Amulet, Higher Rank Celebration
with Katha PT_Master

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.23
Protection, Wealth Phra Pidta Kong Phrom Maha Aoot Khao Aor Amulet (plump style), Brass
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.23
Protection, Wealth Phra Pidta Kong Phrom Maha Aoot Khao Aor Amulet (slim style), Brass
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Protection, Harm Avoidance, Wealth Lead Phra Pidta Amulet in Kite Shape No.111
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Protective Stone Buddha Medal, Higher Rank Celebration
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Protect & Wealth Phra Pidta Gilded Black Powder Amulet, Higher Rank Celebration
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Protective LP Thuad Gilded Black Powder Amulet, Higher Rank Celebration
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Protective Buddha Gilded Black Powder Amulet, Higher Rank Celebration
with Katha LPPhrom_WatBanSuan

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $14.27
Protection & Wealth Phra Pidta Black Powder Amulet, Higher Rank Celebration
with Katha PT_Master

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

product detail / customize add to cart $10.19
Protective Buddha Black Powder Amulet, Higher Rank Celebration
with Katha Buddha_Statue

LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province

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