PDMAB5822 : The Immortal Mineral: Small Lump of Kot Lek Lai (LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province ) with Katha: LPPhrom_WatBanSuan | | |  |  |  |  |  |
| 100% Authentic from the Temple
Don’t miss!
Name: Small Lamp of Kot Lek Lai
From: LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province
Year Issued:2561 BE (2018 CE)
Size: 4.2 x 2.5 cm
Material:This amulet is created from “Lek Lai” the supernatural ore in Thai belief. In fact, there are some places in Thailand where we can find Lek Lai.
This piece of Lek Lai comes from the South of Thailand, properly blessed and written Yant by LP Phrom.
It Is Beyond Science!
This is “Kot Lek Lai” or wonderfully growable ore that people firmly believe in its protection, wealth and other miraculous powers that will happen to a holder.
Kot Lek Lai is said to be taken care by holy spirits. Getting it is not easy. Person who tries to get must have enough magical powers or he may be in danger!
Kot Lek Lai can grow by itself, although Lek Lai is cut out. Believed chanting and doing meditation regularly or offering a drop of honey can make a piece of Kot Lek Lai grow well. So people do not encase all body of Kot Lek Lai, but leave front side of casing open so that it can grow.
Consecration: LP Phrom an abbot of Wat Ban Suan already blessed this amulet to be more powerful.
Purposes of Creation: to earn proceeds from amulet for developing and restoring Wat Ban Suan
About Lek Lai:
Lek Lai – is a Mysterious Sacred substance which is the subject of Legendary Tales of Miracle Power which has become a Cult Phenomenon in recent years, due to the ease of access to information enabled by modern Media such as the internet, as well as being due to increased International trading and a massive increase in Thai Buddha Magic.
Lek Lai used to be presented in only a few forms, shapes and sizes. Now however, there are literally hundreds of different looking substances which those who market them consider to be Lek Lai, or Lek Lai derivatives. Lek Lai has been used as an ingredient for mixing into amulets for centuries, as well as being used as a magical element in its own right.
Although this amazing substance is known about and exists in many different World Cultures and different countries, Lek Lai has come to be known very much as a Phenomenon coming from Thailand.
This is not without good reason, for it is Thailand and Thailand alone that there are still to be found a great number of masters (kru-ba-ar-jarn), who are Adept in sensing the presence of Lek Lai. They are also Experts in the art of transforming Lek Lai into various forms of amulet, and even insertion of Lek Lai under the skin of Devotees.
For this reason, it is no surprise that Thailand is the number one source of authentic wisdom of the Wicha of the creation of Lek Lai Taat Gaayasit. This is pure Elemental Magic and Alchemy.
Lek Lai is a metallic element with a life of its own. It is also Karmic effect of Spirits which have been driven by the winds of karma to be reborn in Samsara in the form of metallic elemental substances, and is subject to having to eat (honey) and excrete (Khee Lek Lai) residue.
The Lek Lai is considered a living being of the Deva classification (Angelic Deity) who has been driven to be born on earth. There are both ‘Kon Tan’ and Yaksa type Devas found inhabiting Lek Lai, which gives each different Lek Lai its own special powers and properties which differ with each inhabiting Deva.
Lek Lai is something which will protect who carries it from guns or sharp objects (such as knife or sword), and all other harmful weapons. Some people believe that Lek Lai is indestructible and immortal (Adamantine).
We should comment on this belief, that the Lord Buddha already expounded the Dhamma to be based on the three Truths of Impermanence, Dhukkha and Non-Self. All material things are subject to change, and eventual dissolution. It seems unreasonable to believe that Lek Lai should be any different from all other worldly Dhammas.
Matter cannot be destroyed, but it is constantly changing its form. If changing of form is not considered to affect the immortality of an object. Then we could also say that the human body is immortal, simply that it has changed form into, slime for example. All things with a beginning have an end, even this planet and solar system will one day end, and then at the latest, the Lek Lai will also end. This is the way things should be, for development is reliant on change, and liberation is reliant on the destruction of one’s limits (the body).
"When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link: https://shorturl.at/dosz8"
| Amulets by LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phatthalung Province
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