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PDMAB3703 : Respect Worship Wealth & Success 5-inch Lap Gilded Metal Closed Eyes Ganesha Statue (KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province)
with Katha: GA_Master
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size 13 x 15 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal191.99 174.20 USD  


100% Authentic from the Temple

Don’t miss collection propitiously blessed by Kruba Kritsana whom many worshipers in Thailand and Asian countries respect.

Name: Closed Eyes Ganesha Statue

Covering Eyes is a design like Phra Pidta that implies perseverance to achieve perfect meditation.

Material:gilded metal

Size: lap 5 inches (13 x 15 cm)

Feature: bottom of sculpture with Bia Gae (magical cowrie shell), Takrut, Phra Khun Paen and a piece of Kruba Kritsana’s robe for sacredness

GANESHA, the Universal God of Wisdom, Success & Wealth:

Ganesha is one of Hindu deities, best known and most widely worshipped in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout the world. In Thailand, Ganesha has been known well and worshipped for a long time. Ganesha is believed to know everything and have best wit. Ganesha is the deity of wisdom, success and wealth. Thais believe worshiping Ganesha will make the worshiper successful in studying and working especially in arts and performances as well as make the wishes of the worshiper come true. In addition, Ganesha worship is believed to remove problems, obstacles and difficulties from life.


Worshiping Ganesha can really bring success and wealth. That is why many people are seeking for Ganesha to worship. This is example of a worshiper that became successful in business in a very short time after worshiping Ganesha.
Chen or Mr. Thana Limpayaraya, a former famous boy brand singer (Nice 2 Meet U) who turned himself to food supplement business was very successful in his business after decided to worship Ganesha. “Ganesha is the universal god of succsess”, said Chen.
Chen do believe in Ganesha because at first his business was just beginning, but then reached the highest profit at 100 million baht within 6 months! Now, Chen already built Ganesha statue at his office. Chen says “When I have a problem, I always pray to Ganesha and then everything will be better.”
Not only Chen, other Thai celebrities also believe in Ganesha that will bring success to their careers.

From: KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

Origin: Thailand

Name: Chao SuaMaha Setthi (A Great Millionaire)

Year Issued:2559 BE (2016 CE)

Purposes of Creation: to earn proceeds from amulet for developing and restoring the temple

About the Guru Monk:

Kruba Kritsana (widely known as God of Butterflies) is a famous guru monk who is skilled at magic. Because people’s life has absolutely changed in good way after they worship powerful amulets by KB Kritsana, his fame is not only in Thailand but also in some Asian countries China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

KB Kritsana was born on 1 August 2497 BE (1954 CE) in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. He got ordained as a monk on 27 October 2522 BE (1979 CE) at Wat Kok U-thong, Prachinburi Province. He got his monk name In-ta-wan-no. After ordination, KB Kristsana spent 10 years on studying Buddhist holy text and practicing meditation in the forest of northeastern Thailand. Today, KB Kritsana stays at Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat in Nakhon Ratchasima Province.

When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:
Note: The real item may be different from picture. It is in original condition from temple.
We provide Katha in text and MP3 and instructions for every sacred item at Your Katha.

Notice: This stated price is already added the cost according to conditions of sending a worshiping sculpture to foreign country, Department of Fine Arts, Thailand.

To send a worshiping sculpture of Buddha or Buddha’s Enlightened Disciple to foreign country, we have to deal with Department of Fine Arts, Thailand. There are the laws we must follow. This way, we have to pay fees. So, the price of a worshiping sculpture will be added with cost of management
1. a worshiping sculpture, small and medium added 20 $ per item
2. a worshiping sculpture, big (9 inches up) added 25 $ per item

Management cost consists of:
1. the permit and documents
2. photo of worshiping sculpture
3. transportation cost (from office to Department of Fine Arts)

The management from asking the permit until sending a sculpture takes 5-7 business days.

Amulets by KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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product detail / customize add to cart $66.78
Buddha of Millionaire Silver Phra Chao SuaMedal
with Katha Buddha_JowSua

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $129.99
Respect Worship Wealth & Success 3-inch Lap Painted Metal Closed Eyes Ganesha Statue
with Katha GA_Master

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $119.99
Respect Worship Wealth & Success 5-inch Lap Blackened Metal Closed Eyes Ganesha Statue
with Katha GA_Master

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $191.99
Respect Worship Holy Wealth & Success 5-inch Lap Painted Metal Closed Eyes Ganesha Statue
with Katha GA_Master

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $191.99
Respect Worship Wealth & Success 5-inch Lap Gilded Metal Closed Eyes Ganesha Statue
with Katha GA_Master

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $80.99
Respect Worship Holy Wealth 3-inch Lap Blackened Metal Phra Setthi Nawakot Statue
with Katha Buddha_SetthiNawaKot

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $103.99
Respect Worship Holy Wealth 3-inch Lap Gilded Metal Phra Setthi Nawakot Statue
with Katha Buddha_SetthiNawaKot

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $119.99
Respect Worship Holy Wealth 5-inch Lap Blackened Metal Phra Setthi Nawakot Statue
with Katha Buddha_SetthiNawaKot

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $210.99
Respect Worship Holy Wealth 5-inch Lap Gilded Metal Phra Setthi Nawakot Statue
with Katha Buddha_SetthiNawaKot

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

product detail / customize add to cart $31.61
Guman Thep Bandan Chok (Lucky Little Angel) Amulet
with Katha Amulet_KBKritsana

KB Kritsana, Arsom Sathan Suan Phutthasat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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