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"I received my LP Purachet "Hoon Phayon" today(code PDMAA688). Everything is perfect.The amulet is excellent. Thank you to you and all at Billionmore for your great service."
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PDMAB3166 : Fastens Relationship Inn Ku Ball Pendant, White Metal (LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province)
with Katha: IK_Master
Stock Status Low in Stock   
Size 2 x 2.2 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal18.34 USD  


Don’t miss out! Here is powerful amulet by LP Nen, a guru monk from Roi Et Province whom many worshipers trust. This batch “Na Maha Saneh Jong Samret” consists of sacred amulets with great charm that will fulfill owner in many aspects. Intensively blessed by LP Nen on 31 October 2016 auspicious date and time.

100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Inn Ku Ball Pendant

**This couple figurine is created to help owner on love and charm.

Material:white metal

Quantity Made: created only 999 pieces

Size: 2 x 2.2 cm

From: LP Nen, Wat Ban Kases Toong Setthi, Roi Et Province

Origin: Thailand

Name: Na Maha Saneh Jong Samret (charm that fulfills everything)

Year Issued:2559 BE (2016 CE)

Purposes of Creation: to earn proceeds from amulet for developing and restoring the temple

About the Guru Monk:

LUANGPHO NEN (fully called LP Nen Kampeero, also LP Nen Gaew) is a skilled guru monk and a developer. He was born in 1980 in Roi Et Province. He has been interested in dharma since he was seven. He can be obsessed by RuesiTafai, a powerful hermit spirit because his mind can contact with RuesiTafai. When he was a child, he was obsessed by RuesiTafai many times. After ordination, LP Nen set his heart on dharma and meditation. He spent most time on a pilgrimage in Thailand and Laos. He also went to learn magic and meditation from many skilled guru monks around Thailand such as LP Khamphan, LP Phromma, LP Jaran, LP Ruesi Lingdam , LP Sawai , etc.
LP Nen established Wat Ban Kases Toong Setthi in Roi Et Province in 2006 in order to be the place for people to worship, do meditation, chant and do Buddhist rites. Beyond anything else, he has intention to maintain Buddhism. LP Nen Kampeero always teaches people to do good things and avoid doing bad things.

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Note: The real item may be different from picture. It is in original condition from temple.
We provide Katha in text and MP3 and instructions for every sacred item at Your Katha.

Amulets by LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

Total 50 Record : 5 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ] Next>>

product detail / customize add to cart $56.80
Love Charm & Luck: Sky Blue Oval shape Nang Jing Jork Kao Hang Locket in Oil
with Katha JingJorkKaoHang

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $19.37
Wealth & Good Luck: Phra Upakut Sits on Naga
with Katha Upakut.mp3

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $25.49
Si Phueng Prai Setthi in Heart Locket with LP Nen Kumpeero Amulet
with Katha TK_LPNen_NakKiao

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.29
Bring Wealth: Phra Setthi Nawakot (9 faces Millionaire Buddha amulet)
with Katha Buddha_SetthiNawaKot

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.31
Great Charming: Salika Bird Amulet
with Katha Salika_Master

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $29.57
Protection from Dangers: LP Nen Medal
with Katha Amulets_Master.mp3

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $19.37
Protection from Dangers: LP Nen Medal
with Katha Amulets_Master.mp3

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $47.93
Love Charm & Luck: Oval Sky Blue BG Nang Jing Jork Kao Hang (lady 9 Tail Fox) Locket
with Katha JingJorkKaoHang

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $36.71
Love Charm & Luck: Round Sky Blue BG Nang Jing Jork Kao Hang (lady 9 Tail Fox) Locket
with Katha JingJorkKaoHang

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

product detail / customize add to cart $87.71
Takrut Nak Kiao (black rhodium)
with Katha Charm_Master

LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province

Total 50 Record : 5 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ] Next>>

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