PDMAA2575 : Business, Human Kindness, Luck: Blackened Copper Phae Goat Amulet, Roon Ayu Yuen, 2556 BE (LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province) with Katha: Goat_LPKey | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 100% Authentic from the Temple
Name: Phae (Goat amulet) with a serial number
From: LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province
Origin: Thailand
Name: Ayu Yuen (Long Life)
Year Issued:BE 2556 (CE 2013)
Material:blackened bronze
Size: 2 x 2 cm
Quantity Made: 999 pcs
Benefits: Thai people believe a goat amulet will make its owner easily get favor, kindness and compassion from people, so you will do anything easily and successfully.
The Biography of LP Key
LP Key Gitiyano (an abbot of Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province) was born on the 24th May 1928 CE This year 2014 CE, he is 86 years old. LP Key got ordained as a Buddhist monk at age 21 at Wat PetBuRi, Surin Province. LP Key is a good monk who many Buddhists admire and respect. He always has mercy on everyone. He has been an expert in concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. LP Key has ever been on a pilgrimage for mysticism together with contemporary monks in the mountain, Thailand for years.
LP Key also understands Khmer magic. He has built many amulet collections in order to make money to develop and restore his temple. With holiness and real results, his amulets are popular among Thai worshipers. Today, LP Key is one of Thailand’s top guru monks.
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| Amulets by LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province
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Wealth Square Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Locket by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Oval Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Locket by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Small Wan Daeng (Red Herb) Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Amulet by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Big Wan Daeng (Red Herb) Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Amulet by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Big Wan Khow (White Herb) Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Amulet by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Satin Surfaced Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Medal by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Silver Colored Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Medal by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth 3K Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Medal by LP Key with Katha YG_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Tiny Blacked Brass Cai Shen (God of Fortune) Amulet by LP Key with Katha ChaiShenYeh_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |

Wealth Tiny Satin Surfaced Cai Shen (God of Fortune) Amulet by LP Key with Katha ChaiShenYeh_LPKey
LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province |
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