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PBUPZ798 : Black Phra Khun Paen Metta (LP Kalong, Thai amulet)
with Katha: KP_Master.mp3
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size 2 cm x 3.2 cm


Most Power Phra Khun Paen – Bring Metta and Endoo from Boss/ Top Man!!

100% Authentic from temple

Name : Phra Khun Paen Metta

From : LP Kalong of Wat Khao Laem, Sa Kaeo Province

Color : Black

Materials : Holy powder and other holy materials

Year : CE 2007 (BE 2550)

Size : 2 cm x 3.2 cm

Origin : Thailand

Purposes of Creation :
Making this amulet is joining donation at the temple

Power :
This amulet can bring metta (great kindness) and endoo for wearer.

Feature of this amulet:
On the front presents Phra Khun Paen while make a meditation. On the back presents JaTuKam and Phra Rahu.

The Biography of LP Kalong:
LP Kalong has studied making SeePhueng amulet from Ajarn Plak who was famous magical layman of Khmer in 1952. At that time, Ajarn Plak was 80 years old. But he has more than 20 wives at the age between 14-30 years in the same house.
LP Kalong is one of the famous guru monks who have supernatural of statement command power. That is because he has a fang in the middle of palate. LP Kalong is now 87 year old. Before his birth, Bang, an old man living opposite was fishing in the night. He saw a Ruesiholding a young child’s hand that walked into the house. He entered priesthood when he was 20 years old at Wat Nabun. He has been studied the art of making efficacious Narayana amulet from LP Nieng of Wat NahBoon and from LP Thong of Wat TaNodLuang. He practiced the same way as LP Sook of Pakklong Makhamthao Temple in Chainat. In fact he became the Reverend Father Sook’s disciple at the same time as Khun Klaklangpachon, a close subordinate of His Royal Chumporn. Regarding Wat Suthatthepwararam, the Reverend Father Kalong followed LP Niam of Wat Nabun to attend a sacred ceremony to celebrate the Buddha image “Prabuddhachinnarat Indo-China” at Wat Suthat in 1942. It was there that he had a chance to meet the Patriarch Pae of Wat Suthat, Bankok. Afterwards, he studied the art of smelting metals and how to smelt new metals. He also studied the scriptures and the sacred art of creating the Pra Kring amulet from the Lord Mongkonmuni (Sonthi). He studied with the Reverend Father Chamlong (passed away in 1997). LP Kalong was the best disciple and a confidant of the Lord Wisuthacharn or the Lord Pae, (passed away in 2001) who was the direct disciple of the Patriarch Pae.

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Amulets by LP Kalong, Thai amulet

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