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"Thanks a lot for the SangKhaThan offering and also the card, Kim! May Buddha bless you as well. Sadhu 3x :) "
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PAMPZ651 : Holy Phra That Sadet (relic) – The best powerful amulet of protect & wealth (Rak Phra That Foundation, Bangkok)
with Katha: Relic_Master
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size about 0.2 cm (relic’s size)


Don’t miss good occasion to worship great powerful amulet from excellent mass

100% Authentic from Rak Phra That Foundation

Name: Phra That Sadet (relics comes by itself from the monk practiced meditation)

From: Rak Phra That Foundation, Bangkok

Origin: Thailand

Size: about 0.2 cm (relic’s size)

Material:Buddha’s relic that took from Sri Lanka.

Purpose: Rak Phra That Foundation would like to donate the money from relics to develop and restore the poor temples in Thailand.

Power: there are many great powers when you worship Buddha’s relic or other relics such as
1. You will safe from every weapon.
2. You will solve every problem and obstacle.
3. You will get good business and fortune
4. You will progress in working.
5. You will more charm and kindness
6. The gods will protect you all time.
7. When you died will go to heaven.
8. You and your family will get happiness and peace.

Feature: How to perform worship:
Prepare yourself by cleaning body and mind and preparing the container with flower wherever the Buddha's relics or relics are. Lighting incenses and candles and keep your mind calm then recite the incantation. Moreover, You can worship Phra That or relic by 3 ways such as
1. Worship with 5 precepts that is the basis of all good practicing as a protection against all bad things, no sadness and to be ready for further concentration
2. Worship with concentration which is the way to build up the strong mind of oneself to be able to consider dhamma rules as the way of existence
3. Worship with wisdom which is the way of Tilakkha&#7751;a (the 3 characteristics of existence) by using wisdom one's wisdom to consider the realities as per the 3 characteristics of existence

Recommend: Person who wants to invite this amulet need to respect with sincerely. Because if don’t respect with sincerely the relic can disappear or lost power.

The history of the arising of Buddha’s relics:
The cause of arising of the Buddha’s relics was from the desire of our Lord Buddha before his Parinibb&#257;na (the Great Decease of the Buddha).
Normally, the Buddha who lived a long life to settle the Buddhist Legend, had his own relics in a piece of natural golden bar, which could not be shared among the people in their Buddha period and could not be placed anywhere. Hence the construction of the Buddhist sanctuary was required to be done in one place only. Our present Lord Buddha (Sakyamuni Buddha) considered that his teaching period was only 45 years which he thought not too much compared with the previous Buddhas. He also thought that his instructions were not expanded enough and taught to those who were not yet born on time in his legend. Anyone who received his relics for respecting would get a lot of Pu&ntilde;&ntilde;a (the accumulation of good blessing, fortune or well-being) so he wished that his relics be scattered to all directions except 7 pieces (1 frontal bone, 4 teeth and 2 collarbones).

"Phra Parama Sareerikathad" (Sar&#299;rika Dh&#257;tu) in Thailand refers to relics which originated from the Lord Buddha,this term is not use for the relics of his disciples.
"Phra Thad" (Dh&#257;tu) refers to the bone or any part of the body such as hair, nail, teeth, skin, blood, etc. which are different to those of ordinary people. These relics resemble pebble, stone, glass, diamond, etc.
Normally, the word "Phra Parama Sareerikathad" has the same meaning as "Buddha's relics". And the term "Phra Thad" means "the Relics". Even though the word "Relics" is not limited to just the the physical appearances, It usage is slight different in Thai.

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Amulets by Rak Phra That Foundation, Bangkok

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