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PDMAB3656b : Spiritual Love & Fulfilling (black face) Nang Prai Tanha Klap (AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province )
with Katha: NangPraiTanhaKlab_AJPuEee
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size 3 x 4.5 cm


100% Authentic from the Master

Here is item from professional occultist, don’t miss out!

Name: Nang Prai Tanha Klap (black face)

From: AJ Pu Eee

Origin: Thailand

Year: 2560 BE (2017 CE)

Size: 3 x 4.5 cm

Material:Made using soils collected from 7 grave, spiritual powder and real hair from female suicide victim who died on the Saturday and cremated on Tuesday. AJ Pu Eee asked permission from the lady's family member to donate the body part and keep the spirit so that it can earn good merit and be reborn into a better life. Such spirits are very powerful so we only advice that one does not use this for bad purpose.

Consecration: AJ Pu Eee consecrated using ancient Khmer method for love.

Power: This amulet can grant wishes effectively with extremely quick results without having any precaution to the owner. With proper offerings, the owner can request for any desire to be fulfilled. The owner can also request for lottery numbers.

This amulet is also very good for love attraction. Carrying this amulet itself brings about strong charisma and ability to charm and draw the attention of the opposite sex. The wearer will possess immense charm and The Prai can also help the owner with attracting the desired person or calling back an ex-lover.

The Prai can also assist the owner with bringing more wealth, business, sales, career and many more. Imagine this as a very strong spirit that can do everything and protect the owner from any kind of danger. This type of spirit is also excellent for bestowing sixth sense and whispering to the owner to tell what is about to happen.

**Real Experience: This amulet holds real spirit. One customer dreamt of a beautiful lady with shoulder length hair told him she is Prai Tanha Klab. She told him she was a rich lady and committed suicide because her boyfriend cheated her money and love.

Also, after this customer kept offering and making merit for the Prai in amulet, he won the lottery many times.

**Make merit for spirit in amulet (dedicate to 'Nang WanNee' the real name of Nang Prai Tanha Klab) often for quick result.**

How to Make Merit for Prai/Spirit/Ghost, Read >>

About the Master:
Ajarn PuEee is an experienced guru master born in 2476 BE (1933 CE). Now 2015 CE, he is 82 years old. When AJ Pu Eee was young, he traveled to learn magic from many magical experts that he accomplished magic in Saneh , Metta (charm both), Protection and Being Invulnerable. With his magical competence, he gives people spiritual help. He always emphasizes people to use amulets with moral purpose to avoid sin.

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Amulets by AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

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Delete Bad Fates: Takrut Huajai Rahu (Heart of Rahu)
with Katha AJPuEee

AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

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Love Power Takrut Sorng Maha Saneh (or Takrut Maha Laluay Bua Bang Bai Petpayatorn)
with Katha TK_AJPuEee_SMHS

AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

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Lover Come Nonstop: Rei Rai Riak Rak (Love Cicada) Oil
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AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

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Beloved & Lucky: Takrut Phra Lak Naa Thong
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AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

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AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

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Good Luck & Windfall Nang TaNee (banana tree dryad) Locket
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AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

product detail / customize add to cart $7.36
Super Spiritual Bodyguard: Kwai Tanu (buffalo amulet), Simple Style
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Good Spirituality Protection-Hoon Payon Sai Khow (White Magic Hoon Payon ) Amulet
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AJ Pu Eee, Samnak Arjarn PuEee, Khon Kaen Province

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