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Enhancing Your Luck Easily with Auspicious Animals


"Auspicious animals" is considered another belief of many people who bring animals according to their beliefs to be placed or decorated on the desk in the house itself.

Anyone interested in these matters, today we have stories of various types of auspicious animals according to the advice of Mor Chang, a famous Thai astrologist.

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The dragon is a symbol that promotes power and ascendancy, suitable for people who do business or employees can use it to enhance auspiciousness. It is best to place it on the left hand side of the desk. Or if anyone wants to put it in the house, it must be placed in the east to encourage the son in the house to be smart and smart.

Swans are representatives of love because swans are animals that have only one partner, often seen at weddings And in addition, if anyone who wants to enhance their love horoscope can bring a swan to place in the bedroom in the southwest is the best.

The dragon fish is a representative of fortune and money. The method of setting should be placed in the north will be good. Chinese people's beliefs

Fish is a symbol of abundance. If there is a dragon fish set up in the house, it will enhance the matter of having to eat, having a job, promoting the position.

Elephants represent peace and peace. In the past, if they wanted to make peace and end the war, elephants would be sent as tributes. Therefore, elephants are auspicious in the matter of friendship. If any house or shop has chi, deadly prana energy (corner, square, pointed), place an elephant to reduce this energy.

The lion is considered another auspicious animal that can help reduce Chi energy as well. And it also promotes power, ascendancy and prestige as well. The male should be placed on the left side. The female is placed on the right. (Looking out from the house) We can see that the lion will be placed in front of the company. The front door to the house is mostly broken.

Deer, an auspicious animal that enhances financial matters wealth Placement can be placed in a safe or on the left hand side of the desk if anyone thinks that the dragon looks too strong Deer can be used instead because it can enhance financial auspiciousness as well.

Kylin, also known as the dragon dragon horse, has horse legs and a deer-like body, scales like fish. This Kylin will help prevent bad power such as cemeteries, hospitals, three crossroads. Kilen can be placed facing into that area to help.

A turtle symbolizes strength and stability, good health, longevity

The dragon turtle is suitable for people who do not want to place many things. This auspicious animal can be placed to enhance financial matters, work or good health as well.

Chicken is an auspicious animal that promotes diligence in making a living in feng shui can be placed in the south will help prevent quarrels Or any house with electric poles around the house that are tangled in nature, put chickens in that area. It will help reduce the clutter that will occur in the house.

The three-legged frog is believed to be a frog from heaven. Reinforced in the matter of money, fortune, pouring in. It is popularly set up at the work desk or put it in the cash drawer There is a trick in the morning to face the frog outside. When Yen turns his head back inward. Like receiving a treasure

Before parting, Mor Chang left a comment about the auspicious animal that "These things are like encouragement to us. But we also have to do good things together."

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Last modified : 11 Jan 2023 - 02:37 PM (GMT+7:00)

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