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eBay Red Star

"Just let you know that I did received all the amulets which I order form you. Thanks alot and Best to all of you. "
Hoa Truong
United States
Trade Mark
PDMPR1173 : Protection & Brings Good Luck: Red Hoon Payon Maha Heng - No.17 (LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province)
with Katha: HP_LPMian
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size Wide base 2.5 cm x High 7.3 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal12.99 USD  


100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Red color Hoon Payon Maha Heng

Built: 150 pcs.

Serial number: 17

From: LP Ngoen, Wat Ban Or, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

Origin: Thailand

Batch: Maha Heng

Year Issued:2567 BE (2024 CE)

Materials: Wood, rope, holy thread, beads

Consecration: Properly blessed by LP Mian

Benefits: The spirit doll known as "Hoon Payon " is frequently depicted as a grown man. Considered a Prai or spirit, Hoon Payon was crafted by ancient magic practitioners to aid them. Not only can Hoon Payon warn its owner of impending danger and provide protection, but it can also bring luck in various endeavors such as gambling, lucky draws, and business ventures. Additionally, Hoon Payon serves as a guardian against negative entities and events, and will safeguard one's home and possessions by warding off potential thieves.

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Amulets by LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

Total 53 Record : 6 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ] Next>>

product detail / customize add to cart $9.99
Love, Business & Fortune: Auspicious Golden Wooden Takrut Supan Matcha Mermaid with Number
with Katha LPMian_WatJaniang

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $15.99
Bring a Fortune: Bia Gae Tao Ruen (Shell Turtle Amulet) - No.43
with Katha TT_Master.mp3

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $12.99
Protection & Brings Good Luck: Red Hoon Payon Maha Heng - No.17
with Katha HP_LPMian

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $104.99
Respect Worship Bring Luck, Business, Wealth LP Mian Kanlayano Statue- No.165
with Katha LPMian_WatJaniang

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $14.27
Help with Business, Good Luck & Protection A3 Yellow Pha Yant LP Mian (the magic cloth)
with Katha LPMian_WatJaniang

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $23.45
Windfall Lucky Tiger Suea Maha Chok - Nawa (9 kinds of metal) amulet
with Katha TI_LPMian

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $18.35
Windfall Lucky Tiger Suea Maha Chok - Brass amulet
with Katha TI_LPMian

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $26.59
Protection, Luck, Charm Alpaca Takrut Phaya Chang San (Mighty Elephant Takrut)
with Katha TK_Master

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $24.47
Protection, Luck, Charm Copper Takrut Phaya Chang San (Mighty Elephant Takrut)
with Katha TK_Master

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

product detail / customize add to cart $16.39
Windfall Lucky Tiger Suea Maha Chok - Copper amulet
with Katha TI_LPMian

LP Mian, Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram Province

Total 53 Record : 6 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ] Next>>

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