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eBay Red Star

"First I must thank you for your nice list of Mp3 and also text of incantation on the amulets which i also reciece on Saturday. You are very great n helpful in ways i dont find much online. Once again thank you so much for your service n god bless"
United States
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PDMPR1143 : Wealthy Jindamanee Pig Coin Set - No.37 and No.9 (AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok)
with Katha: Katha-Jindamanee.mp3
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size DIA 2 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal34.67 USD  


100% Authentic from the Master

Name: Wealthy Jindamanee Pig Coin Set

From: AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

Origin: Thailand

Year Issued:2567 BE (2024 CE)

Quantity Made: 399 sets.

Brass - Serial no.37
Copper - Serial no.9

- Brass with 2 color enamel.
- Copper with 2 color enamel.

Consecration: AJ Daeng blessed with Jindamanee Mantra.

Benefits: The Wealth Jindamanee Pig Medal is a powerful talisman that is said to enhance luck, attract wealth and success, and bring about financial stability and prosperity to those who possess it. This sacred amulet is believed to provide protection against negative energies and obstacles, helping its wearer to overcome challenges and obstacles on their path to success. With its potent energies and blessings, the Wealth Jindamanee Pig Medal is a symbol of abundance, good fortune, and financial abundance that can bring long-lasting prosperity and fulfillment to its owner.

About the Master:
This is a skilled guru layman named Ajarn Daeng Prailong. He opens his magical house at Bang Waek 67, Charansanitwong Rd, Bangkok. He studied magic from many experts. He can do sacred tattooing for interested people. His amulets are powerful.

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Amulets by AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

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product detail / customize add to cart $34.67
Wealthy Jindamanee Pig Coin Set - No.37 and No.9
with Katha Katha-Jindamanee.mp3

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $64.25
Gambling, Financial Luck & Business: YEE GO HONG (Er Ger Fong) LOCKET (Rectangle) in Oil
with Katha God_ErGerFong

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $64.25
Business, Gambling & Financial Luck : YEE GO HONG (Er Ger Fong) LOCKET in Oil (God of Luck) with Phra Pidta Amulet
with Katha God_ErGerFong

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $64.25
Business, Gambling & Financial Luck : YEE GO HONG (Er Ger Fong) LOCKET in Oil (God of Luck) with Phra Pidta Amulet
with Katha God_ErGerFong

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $48.95

with Katha God_ErGerFong

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $63.99
Gambling, Financial Luck & Business: YEE GO HONG (Er Ger Fong) LOCKET (oval) in Oil
with Katha God_ErGerFong

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $48.95
Locket Nang Jing Jok Kao Hang. (9 tail fox) with charming oil
with Katha PG_AJDaeng

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $63.99
YEE GO HONG (Er Ger Fong) LOCKET in Oil come with Waterproof case dragon pattern
with Katha God_ErGerFong

AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $38.75
Bring Luck & Wealth: Guman Thong Dood Rok baby boy sucking umbilical cord in Wan Dok Thong oil
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AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

product detail / customize add to cart $70.68
Love, Charm, Luck, Wealth Wooden Maha Saneh Box with Inn Ku Lover Couple Amulet
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AJ Daeng Prailong, Bangkok

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