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PDMAD756 : Luck, Wealth, Protection: Small Statue of LP Charn in Glass Ball (LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province)
with Katha: LPWeera_WatHomsil
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size 5.5 x 8 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal25.49 USD  


100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Small Statue of LP Charn in Glass Ball

From: LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

Origin: Thailand

Year Issued:BE2565 (CE2022)

- copper LP Charn amulet
- glass ball
- silica mineral base

**POWER:LP Charm Amulet in Glass Ball will bring good luck and good things to worshipers. LP will make your business more and more profitable. LP will make you safe when travel/ driving.

**How to Use: Can place in a house, shop or car.

In a house or shop, should place LP Charn on altar table with a glass of clean drinking water and a jasmine garland* (*if you have).

In a car, can place LP Charn on a dashboard. For worshiping in a car, it is not convenient to offer water and garland, so you can only pay respect whenever you are going to drive.

**Details: This holy LP Charn amulet is from the batch "Sao 5" blessed by LP Charn on 20th March BE2553 (CE2010).

It is good for collectors who have faith in LP Charn to worship.

LP Charn peacefully passed away on

LP Weera, the abbot of Wat Homsil is a disciple of LP Charn. LP Weera had craftsman installed the LP Charn amulet in glass ball and blessed again in 2022.

The base is made of silica mineral with tigers. In fact, LP Charn kept on tiger magic of LP Parn Wat Bang Hia of Samut Prakan Province.

About LP Charn:

LP Charn of Wat Bang Bor, Samut Prakan Province (BD: 3 Apr. 1914 CE) is a longtime well-known guru monk. Now, he is 100 years old. All his days, he has ordained for more than 5,000 Buddhist monks. His amulets are popular among Thai worshipers. With his good behaviors, LP Charn is respected by many Thai people.


**Note to Buyers: This is a sample picture. The real item may be different according to color, size, design and casing of amulet.
- Color deviation: The picture is the actual picture of the sample. Colors may vary slightly due to the different color settings of each monitor and the shooting light.
- Size Deviation: All dimensions are measured by hand, there may be slight deviations.
- Design: The handmade amulet, each amulet may be different unlike using machine.
- Casing: The casing is craftsmanship from temple or master, which creates.

When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

Amulets by LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

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product detail / customize add to cart $7.99
Luck & Charisma: Khun Paen Guman Thong (Buddha with Boy Lying Unerneath)
with Katha LPWeera_WatHomsil

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

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Good Luck: Iron Ore Powder Beaded Necklace
with Katha LPWeera_WatHomsil

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

product detail / customize add to cart $11.99
Good Luck: Pradu Wood Beaded Necklace
with Katha LPWeera_WatHomsil

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

product detail / customize add to cart $38.99
Good Luck: Suea (Tiger) Maha Heng Maha Ruay Statue (Holy Thread around Neck)
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LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

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LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

product detail / customize add to cart $75.99
Protection from Ghosts & Dirty Magic: Mitmor (Ritual Knife) with Tao Wet Suwan Handle
with Katha TW_Master

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

product detail / customize add to cart $22.43
Yant Sheet Yant Krob Chakrawan (Protection, Health & Luck)
with Katha LPWeera_WatHomsil

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

product detail / customize add to cart $22.43
Yant Sheet Yant Trinisinghe (Protection from Ghost SPIRIT POWER Haunting and Bad Things)
with Katha LPWeera_WatHomsil

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

product detail / customize add to cart $22.43
Yant Plate Yant Nok Kum Bird Kan Fai (Protection from Fire Hazard)
with Katha LPWeera_WatHomsil

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

product detail / customize add to cart $22.43
Wealth & Luck Plenty Yant Sheet Yant Udom Chok Udom Larp
with Katha LPWeera_WatHomsil

LP Weera, Wat Homsil, Samut Prakan Province

Total 236 Record : 24 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ 11 ][ 12 ][ 13 ][ 14 ][ 15 ][ 16 ][ 17 ][ 18 ][ 19 ][ 20 ][ 21 ][ 22 ][ 23 ][ 24 ] Next>>

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