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PDMAD6451R : Business & Financial Luck: Phra Sangkajai Amulet 2512 BE (Wat Chinoros, Bangkok)
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100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Phra Sangkajai Amulet 2512 BE (**Blessed by LP Guay and other guru monks)

Info: The major monks who built Phra Sangkajai 2512 BE are:
- Phra Maha Pradap
- Phra Palad Manop
- Phra Ajarn Kaew Maneengam.

These monks have respect in LP Guay.

From: Wat Chinoros, Bangkok

Origin: Thailand

Batch: -

Year Issued:2513-2515 BE (1970-1972 CE)

Material: Holy metal

Purposes of Creations: To earn proceeds to develop and restore the temple

Consecration: Wat Chinoros invited several guru monks to bless Phra Sangkajai amulet:
- LP Guay, Wat Kositaram
- LP Ming, Wat Kok
- LP Phrom, Wat Chong Khae
- LP Suk, Wat Pho Sai Thong
- LP Dee, Wat Phra Roop
- LP Toh, Wat Pradoochimplee
- LP Nam, Wat Don Sala, etc.

Benefits: Phra Sangkajai, Buddha of Wealth, Luck, Happiness, Wits, Charisma— Phra Sangkajai is an enlightened disciple of Buddha. Phra Sangkajai has got bright skin and intelligence. People often misunderstand that he is a Buddha. He was considerate of Buddha, thus he made him fat. Phra Sangkajai has a kind heart, always smiling, whoever worships will be happy and good trading. Furthermore, his good appearance and best wits become the belief that whoever worships Phra Sangkajai will be admired among people and successful in study.

The Biography of LP Guay:
LP Guay of Wat Kositaram, Chainat Province was born in 1905 at Chainat Province. When he was a child, he was beloved for his parents. When he grown up, his mother took him to live with LP Kuad, Wat BaanKae for learning. At the age of 6-7 years, LP Guay was intelligent. He can memorize many pray chapters. LP Kuad taught much knowledge for LP Guay especially Khmer learning. LP Kuad passed away. Next, his parents took him to live with Ajarn Dam, Wat Hua Den for Khmer learning. But he didn’t get more knowledge. Thus, he became farmer to help his parents. He felt that he was not happy. He always recalled LP Kuad who was the first Ajarn.
When he was 20 years old, he was ordained as a monk in 1924 at Wat Baan Kae. At that time, LP Ma was an abbot. LP Ma taught LP Guay about sermon such as Vessantara chapter, Kuman chapter and third chapter of Maha Chat. LP Guay was very expertise about sermon. If whoever was audible his sermon, everyone will impressive very much.
In 1929 LP Guay learnt doctrine at Wat Wang Korn. He would like to learn about meditation and magic. Thus, he traveled to learn with LP Sri Viriyasopit at Wat Phra Pang, Singburi Province.
LP Sri was an expertise about meditation. LP Sri taught LP Guay about magical of ring. The symbol of LP Sri’s ring is that the bottom of ring will have Khmer language namely I-Ti.
Next, LP Guay learnt with LP Derm, Wat NongPho in magic power such as ring, takrut and Meed-Moh. Also, LP Guay learnt about broken bone disease with LP Ken, Wat DongSetthi.
Afterwards, He came back at Wat KoSiTaRarm (Wat Baan Kae). He was very famous about tattoo. He has many disciples.
In 1948, LP Guay was an abbot at Wat KoSiTaRarm. LP Guay was very famous about incantations. Many people respect LP Guay. He passed away on 12th April 1979.

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