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PDMAD454a : LP O Promtion Wealthy Mixed Metal Phra Yod Chao SuaYod Setthi Fa Pratan Medal with Stub (AJ O, Phetchabun Province)
with Katha: Amulet_LPO
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size 1.8 x 3.2
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal56.08 50.31 USD  


100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Phra Yod Chao SuaYod Setthi Fa Pratan Medal

From: AJ O, Phetchabun Province

Origin: Thailand

Material:mixed metal LP O had been collected from many ceremonies of casting holy statues

**Benefits: Phra Chao Suais the amulet of a millionaire. Thai worshipers believe whoever owns Phra Chao Suawill get wealthy and become a millionaire soon.

Year Issued:2558 BE (2015 CE)

Purposes of Creation: proceeds for developing and restoring Wat SiSuPhon

Consecration: LP O fully blessed this medal by himself.

About the Guru Monk:

**In fact, amulets by LPO are different from other guru monks. LP O is a creative guru monk, so his amulets are various and unusual. Many years, LP O has built excitement for amulet circle with uncommon amulets making Thai people and foreigners have wonderful results.

Luang Pho O is a successful guru monk whose amulets are accepted by Thai worshipers and foreign worshipers. LP O has been studying the art of making effective amulets from Wan Praidum (holy herb). Besides, LP O ever studied magic from his grandfather who was a disciple of Somdej Loon (the great Laotian monk).

When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

We have Katha for the amulets in text and MP3 and how to worship at Bonus File.

Amulets by AJ O, Phetchabun Province

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AJ O Promotion Luck, Wealth, Business, etc. Red with Copper Takrut Phra Nang Phaya Prai Thewa- Batch "Thep Bancha 58"
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $31.99
AJ O Promotion Extreme Charm, Wealth & Luck: Red Phra Khun Paen Prai Thewa- Batch "Thep Bancha 58" with Silver Takrut
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $31.99
AJ O Promotion Extreme Charm, Wealth & Luck: Red Phra Khun Paen Prai Thewa- Batch "Thep Bancha 58" with Silver Takrut
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $31.99
AJ O Promotion Extreme Charm, Wealth & Luck: Red Phra Khun Paen Prai Thewa- Batch "Thep Bancha 58" with Silver Takrut
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $31.99
AJ O Promotion Extreme Charm, Wealth & Luck: Red Phra Khun Paen Prai Thewa- Batch "Thep Bancha 58" with Silver Takrut
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $31.99
AJ O Promotion Extreme Charm, Wealth & Luck: Red Phra Khun Paen Prai Thewa- Batch "Thep Bancha 58" with Silver Takrut
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $19.99
AJ O Promotion Strong Love Magnetic (Copper/Blue Rope) The 7th Batch Takrut Jai KhadBracelet
with Katha TK_LPO_JK

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $17.33
AJ O Promotion Strong Love Magnetic (Brass/Red Rope) The 7th Batch Takrut Jai KhadBracelet
with Katha TK_LPO_JK

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $56.99
AJ O Promotion Male Wan Jakgajan Reirai Amulet
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $56.99
AJ O Promotion Male Wan Jakgajan Reirai Amulet
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

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