PDMAC8979e : AJ O Promotion Charming, Wealthy & Safe Kon Khok (mixed powders) Phra Khun Paen Huajai Phra Somdej Amulet (AJ O, Phetchabun Province) with Katha: Amulet_LPO | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| **This is a sacred amulet by LP O whom people give a nickname ‘a movable magic book cabinet’. With being fond of magic since a child, LP O had collected a lot of magical experience until he became a magic expert.
**In fact, amulets by LPO are different from other guru monks. LP O is a creative guru monk, so his amulets are various and unusual. Many years, LP O has built excitement for amulet circle with uncommon amulets making Thai people and foreigners have wonderful results.
100% Authentic from the Temple
Name: Kon Khok (mixed powders) Phra Khun Paen Huajai Phra Somdej Amulet
(Built only 2,558 pieces)
From: AJ O, Phetchabun Province
Origin: Thailand
**Benefits: This Phra Khun Paen Huajai Phra Somdej by LP O has many powers in itself: protection, Metta (kind of charm making person gain mercy from people) and prosperity.
Material:Material:mixed holy powder named “Sangsarawat” (Nur Kon Kok) from 4 kinds of holy powder as follows:
1. “MahaPiyaThidaThep” from Thai auspicious herbs and Burmese auspicious herbs
2. “MahaTheviAmarintra” from sacred soil
3. “Bang Khunphrom” consisting of Yant writing powder and old Buddha amulets from Wat Intrarawihan, Bangkok
4. “ThepThidaSuangSaoManee” consisting of Yant writing powder from LP Suang, LP Opasi and LP Gob and “Dok Prathum Samerng” a flower on a mountain very hard to find
Feature: The back has Yant (sacred alphabets) and embedded with a holy ball.
Batch: : "Senasana"
Year Issued:2557 BE (2014 CE)
Purposes of Creation: LP O wants to use his magical competence to help people who are interested in mysterious powers and make money to develop and restore Wat SisuPhon.
Consecration: LP O fully intensively blessed this collection.
About the Guru Monk:
Luang Por O is a successful guru monk whose amulets are accepted by Thai worshipers and foreign worshipers. LP O has been studying the art of making effective amulets from Wan Praidum (holy herb). Besides, LP O ever studied magic from his grandfather who was a disciple of Somdej Loon (the great Laotian monk).
When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link: https://shorturl.at/dosz8
| Amulets by AJ O, Phetchabun Province
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