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PDMAB9003 : AJ O Promotion Love, Luck, Hot Charm Palad Nang Non Phallic Amulet with Carved Lady (AJ O, Phetchabun Province)
with Katha: PK_LPO
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(2 left in stock)
Size 2 x 7.5 cm/ Option: B
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal56.99 51.80 USD  


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100% Authentic from the Temple

Don’t miss!

Name: Palad Nang Non (Phallic Amulet with Carved Lady)

- Carved from holy wood
- Filled inside with a bell ball (called "Kring") to make a sound when shaking.

From: AJ O, Phetchabun Province

Origin: Thailand

Year Issued:BE2556 (CE2013)

Size: 2 x 7.5 cm

Material:This amulet is carved from holy wood named “Mai Konthee” which dead while having leaves and standing called “Tai Prai”. People believe wood Tai Prai has spiritual power in itself.

Feature: The wood is carved into a lady topless sitting which the end is phallus talisman or Palad Khik. Moreover, LP O inscribed Yant on amulet by himself.

Consecration: LP O strongly blessed in the cemetery for 3 days and 3 nights.


*The Great Paladkik of Lust & Sensuality
*The Immortal Amulet That All Charming Amulet That Lovers Must Have
*The Legendary Materials of Magician Society
*The Uncountable Power to Attract People & Money

Palad Nang Non is very powerful in case of charm and also attract people and luck continuously. The owner can pray for money, business or any wishes. All people’s mind will rush into the owner of this Palad Nang Non. No matter the weather is raining, sunny or snowing, the owner of this amulet will not lack of happiness. Everyone is willing to spend a lot of money and all people have pleasured after used all of money too. So, this amulet will be good for sexual arousement and connection with opposite sex also.

How To Use
-Use to protect against devil and ghost. When you go to travel around, just place this “Palad Nang Non” beside your bed and then you will sleep well.
-Use for business. Just take this “Palad Nang Non” to touch on any items that you want to sell, your customers will interest that eye-catching item and then decide to buy it.
-Use for sexual purpose. Carry this “Palad Nang Non” beside your sexual organ and then pray for love and charm. When you have sex, your sexual partner will be happier.
-If you want something, just hold this “Palad Nang Non” in your hand and then use your thumb to anoint around its head and think of the thing you want.
-If you want to have lucky dream, place this “Palad Nang Non” behind your pillow will make you have a lucky dream.
-Use to stir in the water to feed someone, that person will obey you.
-Use to stir in the water to feed feral animal, it will be tame.

About the Guru Monk:
Luang Por O (abbot of Wat SiSuPhon, Phetchabun Province) is a successful guru monk whose amulets are accepted by Thai and foreign worshipers. He ever studied magic from his grandfather who was a disciple of Somdej Loon (the great Laotian monk) and has been studying making effective amulets from herbs and plants planted by himself.

With being fond of magic since a child, LP O collected magical knowledge and experience until became an expert. His amulets are various and unusual using magic and creativity. For years, LP O has built excitement for amulet circle with uncommon amulets making Thai people and foreigners have amazing results.

When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

Amulets by AJ O, Phetchabun Province

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