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Horoscope Prediction for the 12 Zodiac Signs In 2568, many planets will change signs, especially during the first half of the year, including Rahu, Saturn, and Jupiter. These shifts will have substantial effects on the destinies of all 12 zodiac signs.
"I have received the items for LP Dang Duangsetthi and thank you for your good service."
Kampung Malaysia
Trade Mark
PDMAB8887 : Wealth fortune: Takrut Bandan Sap Perd Thang Ruay *filled powder (LP Thanjai, Thailand ) with Katha: TK_LPThanjai_PerdThangRuay
100% Authentic from the Temple
Don’t miss!
Name: Takrut Bandan Sap Perd Thang Ruay
Color: (rope) brown
From: LP Than Jai
Origin: Thailand
Year Issued:BE2562 (CE2019)
Size: width 0.5 cm x length 2 cm
Material:a holy metal sheet filled with holy blessed powder and tied with rope.
Consecration: LP Than Jai properly blessed with magic and meditation for a period of time.
Benefits: This Takrut will help owner to be wealthy, do business better, have windfalls and lucky in gambling.
“This content is copyright and duplication is not permitted. When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:”
Amulets by LP Thanjai, Thailand
Total 5 Record : 1 Page :
Charm Attraction: Takrut Soi Nang Fah *filled powder with Katha TK_LPThanjai_SoiNangFah LP Thanjai, Thailand
Wealth fortune: Takrut Bandan Sap Perd Thang Ruay *filled powder with Katha TK_LPThanjai_PerdThangRuay LP Thanjai, Thailand
Call someone to love: Takrut Hong Ron Mangkorn Ram *filled powder with Katha TK_LPThanjai_HongRon LP Thanjai, Thailand
Enrich blessing: Takrut Lerk Jon Mon Setthi Ruay Lon Fah *filled powder with Katha TK_LPThanjai_LerkJon LP Thanjai, Thailand
Instant Wealthy: Takrut Ruay Than Jai Thewa Hai Larp *filled powder with Katha TK_LPThanjai_RuayThanJai LP Thanjai, Thailand
Total 5 Record : 1 Page :
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