PDMAB3993 : Charming Bird-like Male Angel (Kinnari Kot Saneh ) (LP Sutat, Wat Nong Chat Wanaram, Ubon Ratchathani Province) with Katha: LPSutat_WatNongChat | | |  |  |  |  |  |
| Charming Bird-like Male Angel(Kinnari Kot Saneh )
100% Authentic from the Temple
Don’t miss out!
Name: Bird-like Male Angel (Kinnari Kot Saneh )
From: LP Sutat, Wat Nong Chat Wanaram, Ubon Ratchathani Province
Origin: Thailand
Year Issued:2560 BE (2017 CE)
Size: 1.5 x 5 cm (excludes a casing)
Material: sacred metal filled with holy mass
Benefits: This bird-like male angel amulet is strong in charm and Metta-Maha-Niyom; ability to gain love and kindness from people. Good for all charm lovers!
Purposes of Creation: to earn proceeds from amulet for developing and restoring Wat Nong Chat Wanaram
Consecration: This amulet received mantra from LP Sutat fully.
About the Guru Monk:
LP Sutat, an abbot of Wat Nong Chat Wanaram, Ubon Ratchathani Province is recommended guru monk. With his magical ability learning from many magical experts both laymen and monks who are Thai, Cambodian, Laotian, Myanmar and Vietnamese, his amulets are not common. They are popular among worshippers not only in Thailand but also Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Taiwan. Many worshippers have wonderful experiences with amulets by LP Sutat.
When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link: https://shorturl.at/dosz8
Note: The real item may be different from picture. It is in original condition from temple.
We provide Katha in text and MP3 and instructions for every sacred item at Your Katha.
| Amulets by LP Sutat, Wat Nong Chat Wanaram, Ubon Ratchathani Province
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