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"The Tiger Forehead Skin by LP Pern. I just received it- very very very very beautiful! And powerful! Thaknn you! "
Trade Mark
PDMAA6600 : HOLY BUCHA Wealth 3-Inch Er Ger Fong (God of Gambling) Statue by LP Key (LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province)
with Katha: YG_LPKey
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size 9.5 x 20 cm


**LP Key is a well-known guru monk in Surin Province. He has made many well-known amulets. Proceeds from every collection always go to the temple on development and restoration. So, this is a good chance to worship a sacred sculpture blessed by LP Key that you can make merit at the same time.

Do not miss to worship!

100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Er Ger Fong Statue

From: LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province

Origin: Thailand

Size: 3 inches (9.5 x 20 cm)

Material:blacked metal

**Benefits: Er Ger Fong is the first Chinese man who established lottery in Thailand. When he was alive, he built his own gambling house and he always won. He was also generous. After he died, his spirit was so powerful that people built the shrine for him. Nowadays, people believe Er Ger Fong spirit will help his every worshiper lucky especially gambling and lottery. Moreover, worshiper can pray to Er Ger Fong for good business.

History of Yee Go Hong (Er Ger Fong):
Er Ger Fong was a millionaire. He was born in Thailand in the reign of King Rama the Fourth. His mother was Thai, but his father was Chinese. He ran business in Thailand and his business was very successful. Soon, he became a millionaire. He had a lot of business. The outstanding one of his business was opening illegal gambling house.
Er Ger Fong used to study magic. He used his magic with his gambling house, so he always won and no one could cheat him. Er Ger Fong was not a stingy millionaire. He was generous. He liked to help poor people. He established a foundation to help people.
Er Ger Fong died in CE 1936. The government pulled down Yee Go Hong’s house to build Plubplachai Police Station, Plubplachai District, Bangkok. When the police station was finished, the government built Er Ger Fong Shrine to honor him at the fourth floor, Plubplachai Police Station.
Today, people come to pay respect to Er Ger Fong every day. They pray to Er Ger Fong statue for lottery, gambling, business and others. Wonderfully, most people get what they wish.

Batch: Setthi Ruai Sap

Year Issued:2553 BE (2010 CE)

Purposes of Creation: proceeds for developing and restoring Wat Si Lamyong

Consecration: LP Key properly blessed this statue.

About the Guru Monk:
LP Key Gitiyano (an abbot of Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province) was born on the 24th May 1928 CE This year 2014 CE, he is 86 years old. LP Key got ordained as a Buddhist monk at age 21 at Wat PetBuRi, Surin Province. LP Key is a good monk who many Buddhists admire and respect. He always has mercy on everyone. He has been an expert in concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. LP Key has ever been on a pilgrimage for mysticism together with contemporary monks in the mountain, Thailand for years.
LP Key also understands Khmer magic. He has built many amulet collections in order to make money to develop and restore his temple. With holiness and real results, his amulets are popular among Thai worshipers. Today, LP Key is one of Thailand’s top guru monks.

This content is copyright and duplication is not permitted. When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

Note: The real statue may be different from the picture. It is in a good condition from temple.

Special Service: We are glad to provide our Luang Pu customers Katha in text and MP3 complete with instructions for the amulets.

**Notice: This stated price is already added the cost according to conditions of sending a worshiping sculpture to foreign country, Department of Fine Arts, Thailand.

To send a worshiping sculpture of Buddha or Buddha’s Enlightened Disciple to foreign country, we have to deal with Department of Fine Arts, Thailand. There are the laws we must follow. This way, we have to pay fees. So, the price of a worshiping sculpture will be added with cost of management
1. a worshiping sculpture size 3.5 inches added 25$ per item
2. a worshiping sculpture size 7-9 inches added 30$ per item.

Management cost consists of:
1. the permit and documents
2. photo of worshiping sculpture
3. transportation cost (from office to Department of Fine Arts)

The management from asking the permit until sending a sculpture takes 5-7 business days.

Amulets by LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province

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Best for Saneh: Super Power Phra Khun Paen with Inn Ku (Lover amulet)
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LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province

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LP Key, Wat Si Lamyong, Surin Province

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