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PDMAA5512 : Respect Worship LP Hong 5-Inch Blacked LP HONG STATUE (LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province )
with Katha: LPHongPhrompanyo
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(2 left in stock)
Size Serial Number Option: D (481)
E (480)
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal119.99 108.20 USD  


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**If you are a LP Hong’s disciple or know of LP Hong and have faith in him, this is an opportunity to worship holy collection from LP Hong.

100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: 5-inch LP Hong Statue with a serial number

From: LP Hong, Wat Petchburi, Surin Province

Origin: Thailand

Name: Perm Sap Perm Sook (More Money More Happiness)

Year Issued:2553 BE (2010 CE)

Purposes of Creation: Proceeds from this collection are used to develop and restore Wat Petchburi.

Consecration: This sculpture was blessed by LP Hong.

Material:blackened metal

Size: 5-inch lap (base 14 x height 15.5 cm)

**POWER: LP Hong is a good monk, so he deserves worship. Holiness of LP Hong will protect and make a worshiper find good things and have well-being.

About the Guru Monk:
LP Hong is a well-known respectable monk in Thai history. He was born on Thursday the 24th March BE 2460 (CE 1917) in Surin Province. He got ordained as a novice at the age of 18. When he was 20, he got ordained as a monk at Wat Petchburi, Tumbon Toongmon, Amphur Prasart, Surin Province. After 3 months of ordination, LP Hong went on a pilgrimage in Cambodia. In Cambodia, LP Hong met many guru masters and studied magic with them. He spent 30 years on pilgrimage in Cambodia. LP Hong was a good monk and a magical expert. LP Hong calmly passed away on 5 March 2014 CE at age 97.

Wonder of LP Hong: (information from disciples)
1. LP Hong always had mercy on everyone especially animals. When he was alive, there were many snakes in his temple, but they did not hurt LP Hong. When a snake crept on LP Hong, he touched and let it go. LP Hong could do that because he was full of mercy and merit. He always taught people that freeing animals is good.
2. Things from LP Hong are holy. For example his hairs, when he shaved his hair, many people waited to get pieces of his hair to worship. They said these hair pieces would become crystal solids as years pass by. Particularly, areca nut chewed by him was what people waited for. They believed that it absorbed power of LP Hong because when LP Hong chewed, he spelt Katha at the same time. In fact, people believe areca mass from LP Hong can be an antidote and remove black magic from a person. Moreover, as years pass by, this areca mass will become crystal solids.

When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:


Notice: This stated price is already added the cost according to the license of sending a worshiping sculpture to foreign country, Department of Fine Arts, Thailand.

To export worshiping Buddha images and respectable Thai sculptures to foreign country, we have to deal with Department of Fine Arts, Thailand. There are the laws we must follow. This way, we have to pay fees. So, the price of a worshiping sculpture is already added with cost of management
1. a worshiping sculpture, small and medium added 15 $ per item
2. a worshiping sculpture, big (9 inches up) added 20 $ per item

Management cost consists of:
1. the permit and documents
2. photo of worshiping sculpture
3. transportation cost (from office to Department of Fine Arts)

*Proceeding for getting the export license takes 5-7 business days.*

Amulets by LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

Total 142 Record : 15 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ 11 ][ 12 ][ 13 ][ 14 ][ 15 ] Next>>

product detail / customize add to cart $285.99
Respect Worship LP Hong Wealth LORD BRAHMA Phra Phrom STATUE, Gold Color No.278
with Katha PP_LPHong.mp3

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $285.99
Respect Worship LP Hong Wealth LORD BRAHMA Phra Phrom STATUE, Gold Color No.285
LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $172.99
Respect Worship LP Hong Good Luck, Good Business BRAHMA STATUE Phra Phrom Bucha, Blackened Metal- No.263
LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $5.09
Wealth & Luck: Tiny Oval Medal of LP Hong Rear Phra Pidta or Rian Met Tang
with Katha LPHongPhrompanyo

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $210.99
Respect Worship Wealth, Peacefulness 5-Inch Gold Color Phra Mae Thorani Mother Earth Statue No. 215
with Katha LPHongPhrompanyo

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $210.99
Respect Worship Wealth, Peacefulness 5-Inch Gold Color Phra Mae Thorani Mother Earth Statue No. 217
with Katha LPHongPhrompanyo

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $200.94
Respect Worship for Protection, Business & Work No.80 Painted Lord Shiva Statue
with Katha Shiva_LP Hong

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $60.17
Protection, Wealth, Luck - LP Hong amulet set (4 items)
with Katha LPHongPhrompanyo

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $260.09
Sacred Holy Mass Filled Jumbo Oval Gold BG LP Hong Locket with 16 Golden Takrut - No.48
with Katha LPHongPhrompanyo

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

product detail / customize add to cart $55.07
Protection, Progression, Ascendancy BE 2551 Phaya Krut Garuda Roon Na Me Ti
with Katha LPHongPhrompanyo

LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin Province

Total 142 Record : 15 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ 11 ][ 12 ][ 13 ][ 14 ][ 15 ] Next>>

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