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"I received 2 pairs yesterday, thank you very much they are amazing."
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PDMAA2040d : LP O Pormotion Por Ngung Amulet – second batch, black mass (AJ O, Phetchabun Province)
with Katha: Buddha_LPO
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size 2 cm x 4 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal33.65 31.82 USD  


100% Authentic from the Temple

Batch: Por Ngung amulet with Silver Takrut

From: AJ O, Phetchabun Province
Material:charm plant powder

Size: 2 cm x 4 cm

Benefits: Por Ngung amulet is very powerful having strong power of charm that will make you fulfilled in love desire. If you use this amulet for business, this amulet will attract customers and make you run business very well. Moreover, Por Ngung amulet will make you lucky. Do not miss it! Prove its real power by yourself!

Consecration: LP O blessed this amulet by himself fully and intensively.

About the Guru Monk:
LP O whom people give nickname Movable Magic Book Cabinet. With being fond of magic since a child, LP O had collected a lot of magical experience until he became an expert. Many years, LP O has built excitement for amulet circle with uncommon amulets making Thai people and foreigners have wonderful results.
LP O devoted himself to making holy powder to build Khun Paen Saneh Jai Khard. To get enough holy powder, he had to make special mass pencil and used it to write magic scripts on a slate board and erase by hand repeating for hundreds of times ensuring dust particles absorbed full mantra. This process lasted for 11 years from 2004 – 2015 CE LP O did meditation every time to build up mindfulness before making holy powder. All magic scripts he wrote are powerful in Saneh & Metta and these are examples:
1. Yant Na Ongkarak Sathan Traiphop
2. Yant Salika Long Rang
3. Yant Thep Ramluek
4. Yant Maha Wai
5. Yant Maha Viset
6. Yant Salika Pon Yuea
7. Yant Mon Saneh Phra Kan

Amulets by AJ O, Phetchabun Province

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AJ O Promotion Good Luck: Silver Alpaca with Red Yants - Kamlai Korng Phiphop the lord of bangle, 2nd batch
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Power Bia Gae (Holy Shell) with Takrut
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck)
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck)
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck)
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck)
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck)
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Phanang Klap Duang (Help bad luck to be good luck)
with Katha Amulet_LPO

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $21.99
AJ O Promotion Bring Luck: Guman Thong Ha Tee Maha Heng Boy in Oil Casing with Takrut
with Katha GT_LPO_HaTeeMahaHeng

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

product detail / customize add to cart $38.99
AJ O Promotion Bring Luck: Guman Thong Ha Tee Maha Heng Clay Boy Amulet
with Katha GT_LPO_HaTeeMahaHeng

AJ O, Phetchabun Province

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